Sunday, June 07, 2009

Today is the ninth straight day that I’ve been free of symptoms of Chikungunya fever.

I was a bit worried, as some people in our village have reported that the virus has been lingering for up to three or more months.  Luckily, that isn’t the case with me.  Mam, however, says she still has some ankle pain from time to time, but it’s not something that is incapacitating, just annoying.

Alas, all is not rosy in Jeeem’s life. 

Over the past two weeks I’ve missed a total of three days of work due to severe stomach cramps.  Last week I began passing coffee ground material (old blood) and shortly thereafter the stomach cramps started. The first day I didn’t go to the clinic, I just stayed at home and in bed.  But, the second day the cramps worsened and I was no longer passing old blood, but instead this yellow, watery liquid with a yellow mucous substance. (Yummy huh?)

I broke down and went to see the doctor, mainly due to my school requiring a doctor’s slip if an employee misses two or more days of work.  But, I was glad I did since he told me the pills I had been taking for the Chikungunya virus quite literally ate a hole in my stomach, causing the bleeding and then what compounded the whole shebang was Mam’s trip to Ban Khuag Niang, our adjoining village, to purchase some locally prepared delicacy which I ended up sampling.

The food was obviously tainted, which is a relatively common occurrence here in Thailand, and my stomach ulcer became infected with bacteria.  Not a good scenario, but I’m better now after having to take about a gazillion pills before and after every meal.

At last count, according to the Bangkok Post newspaper, it is reported that well over 32,000 people have been infected with the Chikungunya virus here in southern Thailand.

It is a terrible malady indeed.



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